
Wednesday, August 21, 2013

14 Months

Well, I figured while I still I have some time before Baby #2 arrives, I would try and keep up with Parker's monthly posts. Little Mister is GROWING so fast... wait...WAY TOO fast. He is just so much fun to be around... a little bundle of joy. I swear, we are so blessed to have the happiest, smiliest, sweetest baby boy. Lately, Parker is just SO busy. One minute he is digging out a colander and wooden spoon from the cabinet, and the next he is pushing his little ride-on toy, and then two seconds later he is somehow already up the stairs. Phew! BUSY BOY I tell ya! Everything that Parker sees or touches I am constantly telling him what it is called and he listens and repeats it back to me. His vocabulary is growing so much every single day. Some of Parker's words include: hot, no, ya, momma, dada, pa-pa (paci), night night, buh bye, NiNi, pool, mook (milk), cookie, bababa (blueberry), Jack, Jameson, and the list goes on! He knows where his head, eyes, mouth, nose, ears, belly, hands, and feet are. Oh, AND... he is obsessed with lifting his foot up for you to smell and getting you to say "ewwww stinky feet!!" He thinks it is the funniest thing in the whole world. And in reality, his feet smell far from stinky.

Parker has been going through all of the drawers in our bedrooms and pulling clothes out. This morning he grabbed some of Sean's boxers and put them on his head and was walking into things because he couldn't see. Little ham bone! The other day he was playing with something in the kitchen and a song came on the TV from the Thomas the Train show and he heard it and RAN into the living room and was so serious, like "oh my goodness, I couldn't miss this!" Too funny to watch. Also, he LOVES to help his momma clean up the house. Whenever he sees me pull out the vacuum or broom he gets so excited and runs over to help. Heaven forbid if I put either away without letting him have a turn. Oh, and... don't even get me started on the trash can.. As soon as I start taking the trash out of the can to bring the bag outside, Parker knows right away what to do. He goes right over to the cabinet and grabs a new trash bag out and gives it his best effort to get it in the trash can. SUCH a good helper!!!!

We have been staying very very busy, as Summer comes to an end. The best days we have are those that have a plan and mission for our day. We have been watching Uncle Jack a few days per week, which Parker LOVES. They get along so well and play together so nicely. It's so sweet to see both of them love each other so much. We have also been going to the playground and beach with friends. Parker has a good buddy named Emmett who he likes to play with; we go on walks for coffee and they both love their breakfast dates! It's so cute because they both recognize one another and smile and point when they first see each other. They are both getting their molars and are constantly stealing each other's pacifiers to chew on! It's a friend thing, I guess?

Well we just switched Parker over to size FOUR diapers. Big step, I tell ya. I am pretty sure at his 15 month Doctor appointment in September we are going to see a tremendous weight gain and growth from his 12 month appointment. He just seems so much more solid these days. He has been eating pretty well, which makes for a happy Momma. Man is it stressful when they won't eat. He loves his 3 cups of milk a day. he calls it :) Sweetest thing ever.

Now for the picture overload :) I just cannot stop snapping my camera...or ehhh pushing the button on the ol' iphone. Moms, you get it, right?



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