
Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Playing Catch Up

I feel like I have fallen behind. Time has gotten me! We have been having SO MUCH fun during the days. Once breakfast, playtime and naptime is over, it's time to do it all over again. Not enough time in the day it seems to open up the laptop and focus on the ol' blog! I promise I will try to do a better job. Moving on...about this fun we are having. People. 7 months. is. a. BLAST. I thought 6 months was it. But it got better. 7 months. Smiles. crawling. rolling around. learning 24/7. exploring. being interested in EVERYTHING. touching anything and everything. Parker, I hope and pray that your interest in all things life has to offer, carries with you through childhood and into adulthood. My mom, "Grammie" to you, always said....An interested person is an INTERESTING person. It is so true little boy. Your love to learn new things is such a good quality. Ask questions. Be aware. Touch hem, EAT things (as you do ALL things at this stage!) Learn and you will thrive. And you will gain all of the answers.

Parker Daniel, you are SHINING. MY shining star. Literally, once we wake up, anytime between 7:30-8:00 it is GO time. Breakfast is just a blast. "Really, it is?," you ask. Oh the fun we have. From the interest in the blue light on the coffee pot, to the beeping sounds of the dishwasher. Parker Daniel is just enthralled with everything going on in his house. After breakfast comes PLAY time. Or errand time if this momma has had enough caffenation. Sometimes if errands are run first thing in the morning, that usually means a Starbucks stop is on the agenda. Yum. No matter what the day entails, we are constantly smiling, loving on, learning and enjoying our time together. We have been staying busy!

And now for some Pictures....A little glimpse into what we have been up to!

Hanging out playing with some toys while mom cooks dinner
Chili's Cajun Chicken Pasta
Recipe c/o Pinterest.
You can find it on my board, "recipes I want to try"
Nap Time 1/30/13
...the sweet smell of his breath...

Absolutely loving the freedom that comes with standing
{with a little help from the ol' laundry basket}
Selfie pic :)
Playing with momma
On the move
I love my Vanilla Teether Biscuit!
..this calls for a bath!
Exploring and loving every bit of it
Exersaucer time


Happy Hump Day Everyone!!


Sunday, January 27, 2013

READY for Spring.

It's been in the single digits the past few weeks here in good ol' Rhody. Freezing. I mean, so cold. Poor baby boy has only gotten out of the house a handful of times over the past week. And with flu season as bad as it is this year, it's just not worth bringing him out much if I can prevent it. Although we did go to church today, which was nice to get out. Thankfully Parker is still young enough that I can entertain him during the day without going too crazy. And good thing he's not 100% crawling. Then I would be in BIG trouble. Mommas, what activities do YOU do with the babies when you are stuck inside for days? THIS Momma cannot WAIT for Spring. I hear it's supposed to get up to 50 degrees by the end of the week. That sounds like Heaven. Baby boy and I are going to go on the longest walk known to man. It's going to be great. Might even stop at the playground and introduce the swings to him! 7 months, he's old enough right? I think he will LOVE them. Such a fun little boy he is. That's all for now. Hope you are all having a nice, relaxing weekend.

Happy Sunday :o)

Thursday, January 24, 2013

You wanted to know more about me? Here ya go!

Here is a list (I LOVE lists. You will hear more about that later) of what makes me the person that I am. Most of the blog is about my little guy, so I figured hey, they probably want to know a little bit more about the voice behind this blog. So here goes!

In no particular order...

1. I have wanted a baby of my own since before I can even remember. Babies, babies, babies. I was THAT girl in the neighborhood growing up, knocking on all the momma's doors asking if I could play with their children. I can't make this up. I always thought about what I would name my kids, and what it would be like to have one of my own. Now I know. And it's just amazing.

2. I LOVE iced coffee. Even in the winter. Even on a day like today, when it was 9 degrees outside. I can do Starbucks, Dunkin Donuts or any old townie coffee shop. Yes, I own a coffee pot. But...there is just something about going out and buying a coffee. I swear it just tastes so much better when made by someone else. It's weird, I know.

3. I HATED my name growing up. Chase Chandler. I mean really, mom? I wanted to be called "Nicole." Simple and popular. One of my mom's friends actually called me that. NOW? I couldn't be happier with this unique name that gets me endless compliments. I truly love my name now, once I realized that it was "cool" to have a predominantly boys name. "You're the first Chase I have ever met." <-----I love that statement!

4. I graduated from The University of Rhode Island. Best 3 years of my life. 3 years? Not 4? More about that later.

5. I love the time of year when Winter is pretty much OVER and Spring has arrived. Finally. Longer days and walks outside. Flowers blooming and birds chirping. It's simply amazing.

6. I truly enjoy a good glass of wine. A merlot, cabernet, pinot grigio or chardonnay. I also truly enjoy that my husband is a sales rep for a liquor distributor. It has it's perks!

7. After graduating from URI in 2006, I had ZERO plans. Zip, zilch, nada. I tried to make plans during the Spring of Senior year...Ideas like Teach for America, Americorps, travel the world, stay home and work, crossed my mind. SO, what did I do? Moved 1,000 miles away to Charleston, South Carolina. BEST city in the world (maybe a tie with Newport). It was a good decision. Builded some character. Made me very independent and self-sufficient. Got me off this tiny Island for a few years. I think, if you haven't ever left, BIG mistake. I called Charleston my home for 3 years. Miss it every day.

8. I love the Fall. Warm apple cider, cozy nights, the beginning of sweater wearing, crisp air, pumpkins, and beautiful foliage. Warms my heart.

9. I have TEN siblings. True story. I have met all but one. Crazy. It's kind of a long story. I'll make it short. My mom has 4 kids and my "Biological father" (that's in quotes because I've only met him once, and don't care much for him) has a total of 7 kids...that I know of.

10. In January of 2006 I backpacked through Europe. 9 countries. 21 days. Stayed at a friends house for 4 nights in Dublin, and the rest was spend in Europe's most famous hostels. It was QUITE the experience. Bet you can't say you've done that, can you? Again, character building. I recommend it to everyone. This world has SO MUCH to offer.

11. My freshman year of college was spent at Regis College, in Massachusetts. Are you ready for this? It's an ALL GIRLS SCHOOL. Yup, I did it. I enjoyed it while it lasted. I loved the small classes, beautiful campus, close relationships made with the Professors, and very short "T" ride into Boston. But, I love boys. So, that's when I decided to transfer to URI. Also, closer to home and more opportunities!

12. My Father/Daughter Dance at my Wedding was "My Wish" by Rascal Flatts. This song has soooo much meaning in my life. I used to listen to it every single morning when I was driving to my first REAL job, in Charleston, SC. I missed my family. Like, ALOT. And I had the toughest job, with no supports. It's just a good, good song. You should listen to it sometime. Here's a little dose for ya.
 "But more than anything, more than anything,
My wish, for you, is that this life becomes all that you want it to,
Your dreams stay big, and your worries stay small,
You never need to carry more than you can hold,
And while you're out there getting where you're getting to,
I hope you know somebody loves you, and wants the same things too,
Yeah, this, is my wish."

13. I love everything Nautical theme. Boats, anchors & the color Navy Blue. It's so me.

14. I joined a Sorority when I transfered to URI. It was TONS of fun. A little too much fun. I would recommend it to any girl going to college. It's a great way to meet people. And.. there's ALWAYS someone to do something with, and always something to do. Some people might say that you have to buy your friends when you join a sorority, but I disagree. College can be a hard time for some people. Not me. Sigma Delta Tau showed me a great time. I loved that Sorority house! Miss those times!

15. Pinterest. Such a GREAT invention. Motivation at it's finest. Follow me... cneal17

16. The Bachelor, American Idol, Undercover Boss.....Yes, I LOVE reality TV. I can zone out and don't have to pay 100% attention. I can still follow it on nights when I'm blogging, or facebooking, or the baby is calling!

17. #17. My FAVORITE number. It's the day I was born. It was my softball # in highschool. Although... I think my new favorite number is 21. Yup, you guessed it. That's the day baby boy was born.

18. I love to make lists. I love to plan. To-Do lists, grocery lists, etc. Lists, they keep us organized. This post is a list. I love lists.

19. I was a Sociology Major and Psychology Minor. Not sure what I'm going to do with it. But I enjoyed the classes!

20. Pictures. I ALWAYS have a camera on me. Well now I have my iphone. I LOVE taking pictures. Printing pictures, making photo albums, and scrapbooking (when I used to have time!) Life's most precious moments should always be documented.

21. I am a true blue Northern girl but my heart holds a little place for the South. I LOVE palm trees, the beautiful Ocean, a warm day, and SUNSHINE. Oh, and, nice people.

22. I really like when my house is clean. Dusted, vacuumed, picked up from all clutter, and organized. It makes life a little easier.

23. My most favorite flower is a Hydrangea. Simply beautiful and elegant. They were my wedding flowers. Just gorgeous.

24. I enjoy the "design" called Chevron. I don't have this on any furniture, or in my house yet. But, in our new house I am pretty sure I will own a rug with the chevron design. It's classy.

25. I LOVE the Holidays. It makes some people depressed. Nope, not me. I love spending time with my family, Christmas music, good food, and giving. For me, it's a happy time.


26. I enjoy travelling. I have been all over Europe (as previously mentioned), to Mexico, Spain, Canada, Puerto Rico and all over the United States. Life is too short to not explore and see what the world has to offer.

27. My husband is 13 years older than me. True story. We fit. It works. And he makes me smile.

28. I love to fly. Airplanes relax me. Weird, right? Usually flying means a vacation is in store, so bring it!

29. When I moved to South Carolina I worked in a Mental Health Hospital, where I was a Mental Health Tech. I worked with some seriously mentally and behaviorally challenged children. It was tough. And very eye opening.

30. I love to online shop. Sometimes after browsing, I will add things into the "shopping cart" and never really make a purchase. But, it feels like I really went shopping. And I didn't even have to spend money! My husband likes that alot. Works out well for everyone.

31. I was a Nanny for a WONDERFUL family in Charleston from 2008-2009. 3 fantastic boys. I miss them often.

32. I grew up with just my Mom and my Brother. Yup, just the 3 of us. Our family of 3 went to 6 in 1996, 7 in 1997 and 8 in 2003. Now there are 14 of us!

33. Instagram. It's so much fun! Again, my love for pictures.


34. I got married on 10/16/11. It was a very special day.

35. June 21, 2012 was the best day of my life. By far. 10:29am. The moment my son entered the world. The moment I became a mom for the first time. He is my world. My pride. My joy. My heart outside my body. <3

Well, that was fun! I could keep going but I figured 35 things is plenty. Hope you enjoyed!

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

7 Months Old!

{2 days late}

Dear Parker,

I feel like I was just writing your 6 month letter. My how the time is FLYING by. They do say that time flies when you're having fun! Let's talk about how much FUN we are having. You LOVE to play, all day long. You are such a joy to be around. This age is just the best! You love to learn new things and you enjoy exploring everything around the house. There is never a dull moment for you. Everything goes right into your mouth. Whether it be a toy or a remote or...anything really! That is your way of exploring. Parker, you are on the MOVE. Non-stop! It is so fun watching you get from Point A to Point B. You love seeing something you want to touch and getting there. You roll on the floor and scoot. Not yet a full crawl, but you get what you need!
Standing up against the basket while mommy does laundry
Rolling around on the ground! It is your means of travel :)
FOOD: You are eating 3 solid meals a day; cereal and a fruit for breakfast, cereal and a fruit or veggie for lunch and a vegetable for dinner! Your favorite is sweet potatoes and mostly all vegiies. You like fruits too, but despise bananas (just like your parents!)You are still nursing about 8 times a day, give or take a few. You like to eat your sweet potatoe and blueberry flavored Puffs, and cheerios. A few times a week after dinner you have a Vanilla Biscuit Teether and you looooove that. And now for some VERY exciting news. You got your FIRST TOOTH!!! I noticed it on Tuesday, January 22nd!! It's sooo cute and tiny. It doesn't seem to totally be bothering you, but your gums surrounding it are all red :(


SLEEP: Every day you are getting better and better at sleeping. Right now you usually take at least 3 naps every day. Some might be 30-40 minutes and others over an hour, depending on the day. You take all naps in your crib (which is a big deal!)Nighttime is kind of a different story.. Most nights you do great going down to bed (in your crib) but staying asleep is a different story. Between 7 and 10 you usually wake up a few times and need help getting back to sleep. We are praying that this changes soon. Usually when I go to bed you come into bed with me because you are so done with the crib at that point. This is where we need to work on this sleep thing. I have faith that you will get better at it. I know that we haven't been the best at teaching you this. Soon enough.

In other news.. It's Wednesday and you haven't been out of the house (except for 5 minutes yesterday to take some pictures in the snow) since SATURDAY. We are having quite the COLD front. 9 degrees today. True story people. And with the flu as bad as it is this year, a few days in the house isn't so bad. Momma is trying to keep you as busy as possible, which isn't hard!

So baby boy.. 7 months old. You make us sooooo happy. We are so proud of the little person you are becoming! Such a pleasure to be around. The past few weeks when we go visit Grandma, Grandpa and your Uncles... you put your head down on Grandma as soon as you see her. Melts.Her.Heart.

loving on my Grandma. (Nini) 1/10/13

And now for the rest of your 7 month pictures little man! Can't wait to see what this month will bring! :)

"Playing" outside in the snow

Brrrrr!!! January 22nd

Kisses from Daddy

Friday, January 18, 2013

GUEST POST! Letter to Parker, from Uncle David


I'm so excited to welcome you into our big family. I realize you're several years away from understanding that I truly am your favorite uncle. Bribery, charm and brute force will wear away on you until that title is earned through a fit of tickles.

Not to say becoming your favorite uncle will be easy. I have stiff competition. Uncle Jack and Jameson are forces to be reckoned with. You're lucky to have them, along with the rest of your family. You will realize that along the journey.

As I watch Jack and Jameson transform from boys to young men, I also look forward to watching your character come to life. Luckily, your Mom updates me with Instagram photos whenever your sock falls off, some drool builds up on your face or you discover your mom's cooking for the first time. (Which, like your motor skills, will get better over time) Your Mom and Dad will certainly have their hands full with you, and coming from a boy who never officially grew up, you'll enjoy that mischievous role.

As an Uncle, and I'm sure your parents can attest, we search for teaching situations in life. Moments when we can share our acquired wisdom and stories with our youth, in an effort to help them learn from our mistakes. Mom will sure tell you, Grandma never let's a moment go by without sharing her wisdom. Grandma's are good at that. Even if they look too young to be a Grandmother. (Also note how far flattery can go.) You'll win a few free passes in life that way.

The sneaky part of trying to teach our wisdom to our youth is that we find that often we resort back to being students ourselves. At your young age you are teaching us all what unconditional love looks like. The truths of babyhood. Laughter when you're happy, crying when you aren't, staring at people when you're curious.

Your unconditional love for all those that you trust while in their arms, is something we must all be reminded to have in this world. You were born with trust and faith that every step along the way, you have a family there guiding you, embracing your soon to be first steps.

Those first steps, added up, will turn into a first day at school. And soon enough, you will be off and running.

To quote a favorite country music song, (your favorite genre):
"Have strength when you stand, and faith when you fall"

Applied to a baby, it can be quite literal, but the deeper meaning is shared with us all.

You express your feelings on your sleeve. The energy of your love knows no shield. There is no subtext to your emotions, you tell it like it is. You're so less complicated than girls. (I'll explain that in greater detail in 14 years). Before I know it, the tides will turn, and you will be teaching me. Like, "Uncle Dave, your fastball isn't all it was hyped up to be"

I'll respond with some stubborn quip about how intimidating the fastball was back in my day. Baseball will be a sport of the past. Lacrosse will be the new sport. Or Texting. I'll be forced to educate you on all the stuff you missed out on. Duck Tales. My '91 LeBaron. Boy Meets World. (you'll have the remake)

Your world is different than the world I grew up in, but some things will never change. The principles and forces of life remain constant.

"Ask, and it will be given to you. Seek, and you will find. Knock, and the door will be opened for you. For everyone who asks receives. He who seeks, finds. To him who knocks, it will be opened." Matthew 7:7

Your story is being written daily, with love, faith and family.

My last words of advice. It's not always about who the message was intended for, but who is listening.

Love your favorite Uncle,
Parker and Uncle David meeting for the first time, 6/21/12
Goofing off with my Uncle
Happy Boys, November 2012
Staying warm inside during Parker's first Snow Storm, December 29th 2012

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Wordless Wednesday

On Wednesdays I am going to post a mod podge of PICTURES. You're so excited, aren't you? For anyone who knows me, knows that I am a picture FANATIC. Pictures make my heart smile. Especially pictures of my favorite little munchkin. SO here's a slew of pics for you to enjoy. Maybe they will make your heart smile too :)

Our little Family. 12/22/12
St. Patrick's Day 2012
Rehearsal Dinner on the Nantucket Lightship
Hanging with the little brothers
Parker Daniel hanging out in PJ's
Red Sox Game, September 2011
Mexico Vacation, January 2005
Easter 2012, 7 months pregnant
Rehearsal Dinner with my Bridesmaids
Non Stress Test @ Newport Hospital, 6/2/12
Fourth of July Parade, 13 days old
Baby Shower, 6//2/12
Trip to the pumpkin patch, 10/16/12
chewing on Sophie!
4th of July