In no particular order...
1. I have wanted a baby of my own since before I can even remember. Babies, babies, babies. I was THAT girl in the neighborhood growing up, knocking on all the momma's doors asking if I could play with their children. I can't make this up. I always thought about what I would name my kids, and what it would be like to have one of my own. Now I know. And it's just amazing.
2. I LOVE iced coffee. Even in the winter. Even on a day like today, when it was 9 degrees outside. I can do Starbucks, Dunkin Donuts or any old townie coffee shop. Yes, I own a coffee pot. But...there is just something about going out and buying a coffee. I swear it just tastes so much better when made by someone else. It's weird, I know.
3. I HATED my name growing up. Chase Chandler. I mean really, mom? I wanted to be called "Nicole." Simple and popular. One of my mom's friends actually called me that. NOW? I couldn't be happier with this unique name that gets me endless compliments. I truly love my name now, once I realized that it was "cool" to have a predominantly boys name. "You're the first Chase I have ever met." <-----I love that statement!
4. I graduated from The University of Rhode Island. Best 3 years of my life. 3 years? Not 4? More about that later.
5. I love the time of year when Winter is pretty much OVER and Spring has arrived. Finally. Longer days and walks outside. Flowers blooming and birds chirping. It's simply amazing.
6. I truly enjoy a good glass of wine. A merlot, cabernet, pinot grigio or chardonnay. I also truly enjoy that my husband is a sales rep for a liquor distributor. It has it's perks!
7. After graduating from URI in 2006, I had ZERO plans. Zip, zilch, nada. I tried to make plans during the Spring of Senior year...Ideas like Teach for America, Americorps, travel the world, stay home and work, crossed my mind. SO, what did I do? Moved 1,000 miles away to Charleston, South Carolina. BEST city in the world (maybe a tie with Newport). It was a good decision. Builded some character. Made me very independent and self-sufficient. Got me off this tiny Island for a few years. I think, if you haven't ever left, BIG mistake. I called Charleston my home for 3 years. Miss it every day.
8. I love the Fall. Warm apple cider, cozy nights, the beginning of sweater wearing, crisp air, pumpkins, and beautiful foliage. Warms my heart.
9. I have TEN siblings. True story. I have met all but one. Crazy. It's kind of a long story. I'll make it short. My mom has 4 kids and my "Biological father" (that's in quotes because I've only met him once, and don't care much for him) has a total of 7 kids...that I know of.
10. In January of 2006 I backpacked through Europe. 9 countries. 21 days. Stayed at a friends house for 4 nights in Dublin, and the rest was spend in Europe's most famous hostels. It was QUITE the experience. Bet you can't say you've done that, can you? Again, character building. I recommend it to everyone. This world has SO MUCH to offer.
11. My freshman year of college was spent at Regis College, in Massachusetts. Are you ready for this? It's an ALL GIRLS SCHOOL. Yup, I did it. I enjoyed it while it lasted. I loved the small classes, beautiful campus, close relationships made with the Professors, and very short "T" ride into Boston. But, I love boys. So, that's when I decided to transfer to URI. Also, closer to home and more opportunities!
12. My Father/Daughter Dance at my Wedding was "My Wish" by Rascal Flatts. This song has soooo much meaning in my life. I used to listen to it every single morning when I was driving to my first REAL job, in Charleston, SC. I missed my family. Like, ALOT. And I had the toughest job, with no supports. It's just a good, good song. You should listen to it sometime. Here's a little dose for ya.
"But more than anything, more than anything,
My wish, for you, is that this life becomes all that you want it to,
Your dreams stay big, and your worries stay small,
You never need to carry more than you can hold,
And while you're out there getting where you're getting to,
I hope you know somebody loves you, and wants the same things too,
Yeah, this, is my wish."
13. I love everything Nautical theme. Boats, anchors & the color Navy Blue. It's so me.
14. I joined a Sorority when I transfered to URI. It was TONS of fun. A little too much fun. I would recommend it to any girl going to college. It's a great way to meet people. And.. there's ALWAYS someone to do something with, and always something to do. Some people might say that you have to buy your friends when you join a sorority, but I disagree. College can be a hard time for some people. Not me. Sigma Delta Tau showed me a great time. I loved that Sorority house! Miss those times!
16. The Bachelor, American Idol, Undercover Boss.....Yes, I LOVE reality TV. I can zone out and don't have to pay 100% attention. I can still follow it on nights when I'm blogging, or facebooking, or the baby is calling!
18. I love to make lists. I love to plan. To-Do lists, grocery lists, etc. Lists, they keep us organized. This post is a list. I love lists.
19. I was a Sociology Major and Psychology Minor. Not sure what I'm going to do with it. But I enjoyed the classes!
20. Pictures. I ALWAYS have a camera on me. Well now I have my iphone. I LOVE taking pictures. Printing pictures, making photo albums, and scrapbooking (when I used to have time!) Life's most precious moments should always be documented.
21. I am a true blue Northern girl but my heart holds a little place for the South. I LOVE palm trees, the beautiful Ocean, a warm day, and SUNSHINE. Oh, and, nice people.
22. I really like when my house is clean. Dusted, vacuumed, picked up from all clutter, and organized. It makes life a little easier.
23. My most favorite flower is a Hydrangea. Simply beautiful and elegant. They were my wedding flowers. Just gorgeous.
24. I enjoy the "design" called Chevron. I don't have this on any furniture, or in my house yet. But, in our new house I am pretty sure I will own a rug with the chevron design. It's classy.
25. I LOVE the Holidays. It makes some people depressed. Nope, not me. I love spending time with my family, Christmas music, good food, and giving. For me, it's a happy time.
26. I enjoy travelling. I have been all over Europe (as previously mentioned), to Mexico, Spain, Canada, Puerto Rico and all over the United States. Life is too short to not explore and see what the world has to offer.
27. My husband is 13 years older than me. True story. We fit. It works. And he makes me smile.
28. I love to fly. Airplanes relax me. Weird, right? Usually flying means a vacation is in store, so bring it!
29. When I moved to South Carolina I worked in a Mental Health Hospital, where I was a Mental Health Tech. I worked with some seriously mentally and behaviorally challenged children. It was tough. And very eye opening.
30. I love to online shop. Sometimes after browsing, I will add things into the "shopping cart" and never really make a purchase. But, it feels like I really went shopping. And I didn't even have to spend money! My husband likes that alot. Works out well for everyone.
31. I was a Nanny for a WONDERFUL family in Charleston from 2008-2009. 3 fantastic boys. I miss them often.
32. I grew up with just my Mom and my Brother. Yup, just the 3 of us. Our family of 3 went to 6 in 1996, 7 in 1997 and 8 in 2003. Now there are 14 of us!
33. Instagram. It's so much fun! Again, my love for pictures.
34. I got married on 10/16/11. It was a very special day.
35. June 21, 2012 was the best day of my life. By far. 10:29am. The moment my son entered the world. The moment I became a mom for the first time. He is my world. My pride. My joy. My heart outside my body. <3
Well, that was fun! I could keep going but I figured 35 things is plenty. Hope you enjoyed!
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