As soon as Parker was born, he was placed on my chest (because that's what they do these days! Forget the vitals and weight/length!) and it's what was written in my birth plan for when he was born. Love at first sight and right to momma's chest. Soon after, he fed like a champ; latching on like he was meant to breastfeed.
6 months later... and we are still going strong. I would not trade for the world the bond that baby boy and I have from this breastfeeding journey. I am a true believer that throwing a child in a carseat or chair and propping up a bottle is just not intimate (what are you teaching your baby from this?) Feeding a baby and looking straight into their eyes creates a lifetime of trust between baby and momma. Breastfeeding is more than just providing food for your baby. It is a time to comfort and nurture. It can soothe a baby who has a booboo and calm them down when they are overstimulated. There are so many benefits of breastfeeding, besides just providing nutrition for your baby.
I am so fortunate that I didn't have any problems breastfeeding. The first few months can be pure torture for some mothers. Parker and I have been attending a Breastfeeding Support Group at our local Hospital every week since he was born. It is a way to be supported through this journey, especially when you feel defeated. There are days that I think how much easier making a bottle of formula would be, instead of feeling like the 24/7 milk lady (sometimes I feel like this, for real.) but then I think of all of the benefits of breastfeeding and I know that what I am doing is right. I would definitely say that with everything when it comes to having a newborn, the first 3 months were the hardest. Baby boy would eat every hour. Around.the.clock. I'm not kidding people. It happened. And it was hard. But we got through it. I don't think people tell you just how hard and time consuming it can be. I did hear from a multitude of people before I had Parker, when I told them I was planning to breastfeed to "just stick with it." And that we did. And for that, I am thankful.
I am planning to breastfeed until Parker is one year old. It is our little way of life, our routine. I can't imagine stopping right now. I plan to let baby boy wean himself, so if that means that we go over a year, then so be it. He will let me know when the time is right for him. Until then, we will continue on this journey. It is like no other journey I have been on before. But the benefits and rewards are worth it. If you are debating between formula feeding and breastfeeding, I will support your decision either way, but I will HIGHLY recommend breastfeeding. I will support you and give you the resources you need to be successful. You might have trouble and hit some bumps along the way, but everyone can do it. Trust me.
I like this little idea from the book, "Baby Bond," by Dr. Linda Palmer. Some food for thought on this topic that I think so highly of!
"In your arms or snuggled alongside you, your baby is nurtured by the snuggly warmth of your body and comforted by your familiar scent (pheromones). He hears the beat of your heart and the sound of your voice. His neurons and hormones program him to desire and flourish in this environment — a meansof ensuring his protection, survival and optimal development. And when allowed, your baby’s powerful imprint on your pheromonal messages is second only to his programmed need and yearning for sucking.
Science has demonstrated how a baby’s optimal development occurs through his neurological and hormonal responses to these planned inputs. Providing these stimuli for your baby means providing the advantages, as well."
I really admire what you have been able to do. Breastfeeding takes so much effort and can be so discouraging. I wish I had been able to breastfeed the girls longer. But I am thankful I was able to give them a little bit for their first 3 months. A little is better than nothing I suppose :)
ReplyDeleteGood job Chase! It's hard work but well worth it. Paige is 13 months and we're still going strong. I never would have thought I'd make it past the first three months but we did and now I'll let her self wean. Before breastfeeding myself I thought it was weird to nurse a child past one but now I realize that's so ridiculous and can't imagine stopping until she's ready. And Jessica, you did an amazing job. Every little bit counts!
ReplyDeleteI'm the first person commenting that isn't a mother. With that being said, I hope that I will have a child someday and look forward to breastfeeding. Your blog about your experience was refreshing and made some of the anxiety I had built up recede. I've read horror stories of what other women have gone through and yours was a VERY nice change!
ReplyDeleteGreat post, Chase! It's true, no one tells you how hard it is going to be (breastfeeding or not!). You do such a great job with Parker, you keep me (and Ellie) inspired!
ReplyDeleteMeghan, we miss you and Paige in group! Jessica, we miss you, Charlotte and Jillian too! Such a wonderful group of moms!