
Wednesday, January 23, 2013

7 Months Old!

{2 days late}

Dear Parker,

I feel like I was just writing your 6 month letter. My how the time is FLYING by. They do say that time flies when you're having fun! Let's talk about how much FUN we are having. You LOVE to play, all day long. You are such a joy to be around. This age is just the best! You love to learn new things and you enjoy exploring everything around the house. There is never a dull moment for you. Everything goes right into your mouth. Whether it be a toy or a remote or...anything really! That is your way of exploring. Parker, you are on the MOVE. Non-stop! It is so fun watching you get from Point A to Point B. You love seeing something you want to touch and getting there. You roll on the floor and scoot. Not yet a full crawl, but you get what you need!
Standing up against the basket while mommy does laundry
Rolling around on the ground! It is your means of travel :)
FOOD: You are eating 3 solid meals a day; cereal and a fruit for breakfast, cereal and a fruit or veggie for lunch and a vegetable for dinner! Your favorite is sweet potatoes and mostly all vegiies. You like fruits too, but despise bananas (just like your parents!)You are still nursing about 8 times a day, give or take a few. You like to eat your sweet potatoe and blueberry flavored Puffs, and cheerios. A few times a week after dinner you have a Vanilla Biscuit Teether and you looooove that. And now for some VERY exciting news. You got your FIRST TOOTH!!! I noticed it on Tuesday, January 22nd!! It's sooo cute and tiny. It doesn't seem to totally be bothering you, but your gums surrounding it are all red :(


SLEEP: Every day you are getting better and better at sleeping. Right now you usually take at least 3 naps every day. Some might be 30-40 minutes and others over an hour, depending on the day. You take all naps in your crib (which is a big deal!)Nighttime is kind of a different story.. Most nights you do great going down to bed (in your crib) but staying asleep is a different story. Between 7 and 10 you usually wake up a few times and need help getting back to sleep. We are praying that this changes soon. Usually when I go to bed you come into bed with me because you are so done with the crib at that point. This is where we need to work on this sleep thing. I have faith that you will get better at it. I know that we haven't been the best at teaching you this. Soon enough.

In other news.. It's Wednesday and you haven't been out of the house (except for 5 minutes yesterday to take some pictures in the snow) since SATURDAY. We are having quite the COLD front. 9 degrees today. True story people. And with the flu as bad as it is this year, a few days in the house isn't so bad. Momma is trying to keep you as busy as possible, which isn't hard!

So baby boy.. 7 months old. You make us sooooo happy. We are so proud of the little person you are becoming! Such a pleasure to be around. The past few weeks when we go visit Grandma, Grandpa and your Uncles... you put your head down on Grandma as soon as you see her. Melts.Her.Heart.

loving on my Grandma. (Nini) 1/10/13

And now for the rest of your 7 month pictures little man! Can't wait to see what this month will bring! :)

"Playing" outside in the snow

Brrrrr!!! January 22nd

Kisses from Daddy

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