
Tuesday, June 3, 2014

The Birth Story of Connor James

This is the story of Connor James's birth. I am writing this 7 months late. Hey, time flies when you're having fun, right? There's not a whole lot of down time when you're chasing around a toddler and taking care of an infant...hence this is how 7 months have gone by before I have sat down to type this.
Let me just start by saying that the past 7 months have been amazing, splendid, joyful, surreal, wonderful, and simply just perfect. Connor has brought so much joy and happiness to our lives. I know this is so cliche, but he has been the most perfect addition to our family. He just fills that fourth spot so amazingly. Still 7 months later, I am in awe of the fact that I have two of the most sweetest baby boys in the entire universe.

So, let's go back to October. I had been having contractions for a few weeks, which I didn't have at all before Parker was born. This whole "being in pain" thing before actually being IN labor was so new to me. Contractions=baby is coming soon, right? Nope, not right. Not right at all. About 2 weeks before Connor was born I was 90% effaced and 1/2 cm. dialated. None of that really meant anything in the whole scheme of things, except that yes, a baby was coming. I had a feeling he would be joining us on or around his due date, but really didn't think he would come early, since Parker was 5 days late. On Monday October 21st Parker and I had such a great day together; we went grocery shopping and then out for coffee, and the lucky little guy even had himself a little cappuccino, aka whipped cream in a fancy tea cup. It was these small details of our few days before baby #2 would join us, that I hold dear in the bottom of my heart. Parker probably won't ever remember being an only child for a short first 16 months of his life, but I will never forget the memories we made together. Anyway, we spent the day just truly soaking in each other. Little did we know, a baby would be joining us very soon. That night after Parker went to bed my contractions, that I had been having for a few weeks now, seemed to be getting a little bit more intense and closer together. Every time I had one my husband would say "do we need to go to the hospital??? I'm taking a shower and getting a bag ready. We are going." Finally at 9pm I decided that MAYBE this was it. Maybe I was in labor. This whole "maybe" word is where I was wrong. Problem #1, if you THINK  you are in labor, you aren't. My contractions were 3-5 minutes apart, but were just not that intense. I just so badly wanted to meet my second son, that I think I thought that if I went into the hospital, he would surely come, right? Wrong. So my mom came to our house to stay with Parker while we went in. Sure enough I was only 2 cm dilated. Not the news I wanted to hear. By 12am I was given the choice to either stay and walk for a while or to just go home. I decided I would walk to maybe get the contractions and dilation moving along. Welp, that didn't work. Back home we went at 1:30 in the morning. My WORST fear, and something I never wanted to do (go to the hospital and return home without a baby). I KNOW what being in labor is like. I just did it 16 months ago. Failure, that is how I felt.

The next morning, Tuesday October 22nd I decided that I would do EVERYTHING to get labor started. Sean took Parker to work with him for a few hours so I could sleep. HA! I guess he didn't know my plan for the day: Operation GET BABY OUT. So, I had time to take a very long walk downtown. I walked (eh hem, waddled) to Starbucks and then got a manicure. A friend told me that drinking red raspberry leaf tea helps labor start, so off to the store I went. I met the hubs and baby boy at a local restaurant for lunch and inhaled a chicken quesadilla, like it was my last meal or something. That evening, like the night before, my contractions were coming, but really were not letting up. At this point since I had gone to the hospital the night before, I was NOT believing that I was in labor. I kept telling Sean that I was not going to the hospital until the baby's head was out. No but really. I was timing the contractions with an app that I had put on my phone, and boy were they close. I decided to put mind over matter and just go to bed. Around 11:45pm (about the exact same time I went into labor with Parker) I woke up to the exact same feeling I had with Parker. I stood up, and kind of felt like a pop. I called for Sean who was downstairs watching TV and went to the bathroom. I thought my water broke but after seeing it, realized that it was all blood. I became extremely scared, lightheaded, dizzy and frightened. I knew I had to keep calm so that I didn't wake up Parker. I called my mom around 12ish and asked her if she could please come to stay with Parker, because I was in labor. She asked me if I should wait it out a bit at home and I told her that I knew this was it. Thank the good Lord that she got to our house when she did because this baby was coming, and he was coming fast. Of course Parker woke up amidst me running around in PAIN, showering, and getting last minute items put in my hospital bag. He was crying when my mom arrived so I wanted to get him back to sleep before leaving. My mom noticed that I was having to breathe through contractions, and I finally looked at Sean and said "we NEED to go." We needed to leave minutes ago. I had to leave the house while Parker was crying for me, which killed me inside. I left the house bawling my eyes out. I missed him already and hated the fact that he didn't understand what was going on or why I left him in the middle of the night. I tried my hardest to breathe through the contractions on the very short drive to the hospital, but I was in pain, and alot of it. My husband is a very cautious, speed-limit follower kind of driver. I told him as nicely as possible that he needed to GO and that if we got pulled over, we would get pulled over in the hospital parking lot. After my water broke with Parker, we stopped for coffee on the way to the hospital. Yeah, that was NOT happening this time. We made it to the hospital at a screeching halt. We had to go through the ER since the other main door is closed after 8pm. I jumped out and checked in while Sean parked. Clearly I was in labor and needed to get up to the birthing center as fast as possible. When you go through the ER, there is a nurse that needs to "check you" to make sure the baby's head isn't coming out. Seriously?? "It's not, but if you wait any longer it will be," is what I really wanted to tell them. When I got to the birthing center I was in a ton of pain, but really trying to breathe through the contractions. I was really praying that pain medication was in the very near future for me. I put a gown on and laid down on the table to get "checked," still bleeding a ton. The nurse knew that I needed to bypass the evaluation room and get right into my own room ASAP. She knew things were moving fast. She let me know who the doctor on-call was, and it was someone I had never met before, but at that point I just wanted any doctor. I was really in a ton of pain. The nurse was trying to start an IV in my arm but was having a lot of trouble finding a vein. They asked me if I wanted anything for pain and I said "YES, I had morphine last time before the epidural, I'll try that again, I mean anything you will give me will be just fine." A second nurse came along and tried to find a vein. I knew that the longer this took, the longer it meant that the pain medication was being delayed. Can't have pain meds without an IV. A third nurse came into my room and finally was able to get the IV placed correctly. They let me know that the anesthesiologist was called and the epidural was ordered. Thank the good Lord, that is just what I needed to hear. At the same time, the Doctor walked in. I felt bad that she had to be there in the middle of the night for me, but hey, that's what they get paid for right? This Doctor's calming presence was everything I needed at that moment. She was so sweet, calm and reassuring. A pretty blond with a bright cheery smile, who I felt safe with, and at that moment it suddenly didn't matter that we had never met before. Then, once the IV was in, she checked me one last time, and gave me the news that I was NOT looking to hear. I could NOT have an epidural. What. Are you joking? Is it April Fools Day? I was dilated to 10 CENTIMETERS. Now THAT explains all of the pain. "Chase you have done all of the work. You are going to have a baby boy here in your arms so soon. You can do this. You have done so great." All I could do was look at Sean in absolute shock. Was this really happening? Never, ever, ever did I think that I would or could ever have a completely drug-free, ALL natural child birth. The thought wasn't anywhere on my horizon. Drug-free, all natural, no epidural, NATURAL.... these were all words that described labors that I had read about on blogs, words that described labors of "hippie" moms, surely not a labor that would be MINE. And as quickly as I was given this news to digest, the room was transformed and ready for "delivery." Wow. I have been in the hospital for all of an hour, and I was ready to push out a baby. Was this really happening? Yes, yes it was. And it was happening....NOW. Just me, my faith in God that he could help me through this, my husbands hand to grip, and the kind, reassuring words of the Doctor who I'd never met.

All I could think was.. these painful contractions will be over and a beautiful baby boy will be in my arms if I can just continue pushing with every little ounce of my being. Now was the time to focus. And focus I did. About an hour and 15 minutes after arriving at the hospital, a tiny little, pink skinned, puffy lipped, blue-eyed, little ball of love entered the world at exactly 3:20am on Wednesday, October 23, 2013. All 7 pounds 4.2 ounces of him were just what our family needed. A perfect baby boy. Connor James Stalls, welcome! The second I laid eyes on him I loved him with all of my being. The moment that he came out of me, he laid right on my chest. All I could do was shed tears of joy, and kiss his warm little head. And those pouty, yummy lips! "Who's lips does he have?" What a lucky guy! Connor was able to nurse right away, and just like his brother, he was a natural at the breast. Fortunately I was able to hold him for the first hour and a half of his life before he was weighed and measured, and before all that good newborn baby stuff needed to happen. All that a new baby needs in their mama anyway, right? I think the hubs and I were in a little bit of shock that our baby boy #2 was here already, and this fast! PHEW!

After Connor's vitals were taken and he was weighed and measured, the Nurse on duty came in to give him his first bath. At first all I could hear were loud cries, but then she settled him down and he relaxed and floated in the sink's water. He loved every second of it. All that I could see from the hospital bed was my husband's beaming face. Full of joy and happiness as he watched Connor James love his first bath. He could only assume that baby boy felt like he was back in the womb.

After a few hours had passed and the sun was rising, we both remembered that we had a first born! Parker Daniel needed to come meet his new baby brother. I won't go into too much detail about that, but will just say that the moment he met his brother, was just truly magical. He didn't really know what to think, except I could tell that he loved him already. He wanted to hold him, and love on him. It was a bit bittersweet for me. Parker looked like such a grown being, at only 16 months of age, after just holding my new 7 pounder for a few hours. And that my friends, is the story of how Connor James entered this world.

Fastforward 7 months...
Little (ehh, not really so little!) Connor has been such a blessing to our family. He is the SWEETEST, happiest, easy going, calm, little boy. He wakes up smiling and goes to bed smiling. There is not a lot that upsets this little guy. Connor's favorite things are his big brother Parker, playing on the floor, going on walks, getting one on one attention from people, baths, nursing, eating solids, being outside, and this list could go on. When I say that Connor is rarely fussy or upset, is truly an understatement. He has been the EASIEST baby that we have been so blessed to call ours. We love you little one!


Friday, April 18, 2014

I need YOUR help!!

Hey all! WOW! It's been a LONG time since I have posted  on here. I have been working on Connor's Birth Story, but it isn't done just yet. BUT, I do have a HUGE favor for YOU!

Our little Connor James is a finalist in a Cute Baby Contest! So, what does that mean for you? I need you to click on this link and "like" the picture of him. He is doing so well, but just needs the win!

Every "like" counts!

Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, October 13, 2013

15 Months

Welp, this is probably the last blog post I will get in before Baby Boy #2 arrives. Today I am 38 weeks! Woohoo! I am really not rushing it but I am getting ready for him to be here. I have been cherishing every moment that I have alone with Parker, before baby brother arrives. I know deep down that I am giving Parker the best gift; a best friend for life. BUT. Of course there is a but... I am having serious worries and guilt that his world is about to be shattered and turned upside-down. I am fearing that I will not have enough time for him and that he will not get the one-on-one attention from me that he is used to. Relax Chase, he will be FINE, is what everybody keeps telling me. And I know he will. I know it's me, and not him. It's just that we have gotten so used to our own schedule and routine for the past 16 months (almost, in one week) and have NO idea how it is going to drastically change in a split second. I guess it is just the unknown that I am worried about. Also, leaving my sweet, precious P. I have not been away from him for more than about a 6 hour stretch, maybe once, so leaving him when I go into the hospital is going to be very difficult. And I am sure he will be fine! Yes, I sent my Mom a NOVEL explaining Parker's 24 hour schedule.. (even though Sean will take over when baby is born!) Sorry about that Mom! Again, it's me, not you!
So 15 months old that little Parker (will be 16 months in one week!). WOW is all I can say. Smart, energetic, busy-body, non-stop talker, climber, good natured, runner, happy-go-lucky, sweet BABY BOY! Parker Daniel, you have been surprising us EVERY day lately with all of the new things you are learning. You will repeat something you have heard, and Daddy and I will just look at each other in amazement and smile. You are unbelievable! One of the many "new" things in the past month is the way you say "daddy." It's "dadday, dadday, daddAY, daDDAY, dADDAY, DADDAY!!!!!!" on repeat, and it truly is the sweetest thing!!!! Like melt my heart cute! Your love for your daddy just shines through that little voice of yours. If we are home and you see a tie or belt of dad's or when he gets home from work, you are just so excited and make sure that mommy hears you, "dadday, dadday, dadday!" BFF's I tell ya! Sometimes you get very silly and turn it into "daddooooo, Daddoooooo, DADDOOOO." SO SWEET! The other day you even said "Dad-DOOF," that made Momma laugh! And I'm still laughing from it.
We are just SO amazed at the little sponge that you are Parker. You are learning endless amounts of new words every day. It is just unbelievable watching your little brain expand so much and hold new information. A few new words "yoyo" *(yogurt), "popacle" (popsicle), oatmeal, football, soccer, bowl, socks, SHOOZ (shoes!), dank koo (thank you) beebee (baby), and I could keep going on and on. The funny part about is, is that you ATTEMPT to say everything! Even if it doesn't sound like the actual word, you do a wonderful job really trying to sound out the word. On Friday morning when Dad was leaving to go to work, he said "Peace!" and Parker repeated it right back to him. "peath!" SO CUTE, MELT MY MAMA HEART! On Saturday (10/12) I VERY jokingly asked Parker "can you please go get mommy some Tums?" (because I was being very lazy, 9 month preggo..) and I said "they are on the kitchen counter. So about 30 seconds later after Parker runs into the kitchen, Sean and I get up to go see what he is doing.... YUP. Sure enough, he is in the kitchen reaching for the Tums (he could see them but they were out of his reach.) Um. HOW did he know what I was talking about? The endless amounts of new words and commands and conversations that he understands is truly AMAZING. Oh, AND, Momma got her Tums :) Thank you Baby #2 for causing me soooo much heartburn and indigestion. Worth it...I know, I know.
One of Parker's favorite things to do with momma and daddy is go to Starbucks! The 3 of us go every Thursday morning (Parker and I might make an appearance on other days for a PSL!) and he just loves it. This past Thursday Sean was carrying him inside and as soon as he opened the door, Parker SQUEALED SO LOUD, it was HILARIOUS!!!! Sean immediately turned around, so as to not go inside, and got so embarassed. It truly was the cutest thing. Little boy loves his bagel and his chance to people watch (he's SO his mother's child!)
We have been going to a Gymnastics class at the YMCA every Friday morning for the past few weeks. Parker loves it! It is more of an "open gym" type thing, with about 5-7 minutes of teacher-led Circle-Time. Parker enjoys going on the trampoline and running down it; every week he gets braver and braver with it (very neat to watch!) He also enjoys climbing through the tunnels, and finding all of the balls to throw, "ball ball ball ball ball ball ball!" It is a great time for Parker to play, get some energy out, and socialize with his friends (Emmett, Rose, Hailey, and some new friends we have met!)
We had Parker's 15 Month well-visit Doctor appointment on September 26th! What a little growth spurt from Month 12-15! He weighed in at 24lbs 1 oz (gained 3.5lbs) and measured 31 1/4 inches (grew 2 1/4in.) The Doctor is very impressed with him! Parker got a few immunizations along with the flu shot; took it like a champ and didn't really have any symptoms after, thank God!
Parker got his first HAIRCUT on September 6th! He had a very long little tail growing in the back, and it was just time. I don't think it's that noticeable but definitely adorable! Little man did NOT love it. But, he was very happy to carry out his certificate and little lock of hair. Phew, hopefully it's a while until the next cut!
We have been partaking in some Fall activities, as the weather has been absolutely beautiful the past few weeks! This past weekend we went to a pumpkin patch (great picture opportunity for this Momma!) and Parker had so much fun running around, looking at the pumpkins. We got a fairly little one, whose stem was "somehow" broken off today. "Fix it, fix it," Parker said to Sean and I after it happened this afternoon. This past Wednesday we had an "Island Babies" Halloween Costume Party at a friends house. There were 9 babies plus Mommas! What a FUN time! Parker was a Pumpkin, and surprisingly once he saw his little friends in their costumes, he didn't mind being in his. It was soooo cute watching him observe his friends as the little farm animals that they all dressed up as (coincidence!) There was a dog, 2 chicks, sheep, bee, lion, and pirate. Some cute kids, I tell ya! We had lots of treats and the babies played so nicely together, after taking some pictures outside by the haystacks. We have also been busy taking some nice walks to the playground, while it is still so nice out. I have truly enjoyed going to get an iced coffee in the morning and then letting Parker run, run, run at the park. We especially love when our friends meet us for playground dates in the mornings! It is just a great start to the day before nap and lunch. Let's see, what other Fall activities have we shown some interest in? We went to Rockport, MA for a graduation party (9/7) apple picking in September with our friends Ashley and Baby Jaiden (9/11), took a day trip to the Big E Fair in Springfield, MA (9/18), took an afternoon walk around Prescott Farm to feed the ducks (9/25) and went to the Cluny Fall Fair (9/29) to name just a few things that keep our days pretty busy! It's our life, our routine, our fun, and we love it. Now, my goal over the next few weeks is to keep some normalcy and follow our routine as much as possible, although with a new little bambino in tow, we will see how well it goes! :) Either way, I cannot wait to see how Parker is going to be with his new brother. I know they are going to LOVE each other so much. Ohhh, just a few short weeks...or days away! Can't wait to see what the future holds for our little (but growing!) family!
And now for some pictures!
